The SMIDGE Project launched on March 8-9, 2023, with a two-day event in Leicester, UK. The project, which is funded by the EU Horizon Programme and coordinated by the University of Copenhagen, brings together a consortium of 5 universities, 2 research centres, and 1 civil society organization to explore issues related to online extremism among the middle-aged.
At the event, participants from the consortium and advisory board discussed the project's goals, methodology and activities. Work packages, communication and management-related aspects were also addressed to build synergies among partners. The kick-off meeting welcomed representatives from the University of Copenhagen, De Montfort University (UK), UCLan Cyprus, University of Milan, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, FASresearch (Austria), FVM Foundation (Italy), and Inclusive Europe (Belgium).
Over the next three years, the SMIDGE Project aims to generate new knowledge about extremist discourses online targeting the 45-65 age group, create effective counter-narratives and produce evidence-based recommendations for policymakers, security professionals and journalists.
Stay tuned for updates as the project progresses.